====== Penalties ======
==== Emergency End Stake Penalty ====
If you cut a stake short, you will pay a penalty. The longer your stake, the bigger the potential penalty. The early you cut a stake short, the higher the penalty. If you have served less than half your stake, the penalty will eat into your principal.
[[http://go.hex.com/?r=0x574DA8eAA47b53e12C82F8D820eBB862a869Baa2|{{ :hexvisionreferralrectangle.png?500 |}}]]
=== Example #1 ===
* 100,000 Hex staked for 100 days
* Emergency end-stake on day 12
* Assume interest received is 2000 Hex for this example
* Half of committed days is equal to 50. This variable must be 90 or more, so 90 takes its place.
* **Penalty** **=** (2000 Hex) ***** (90 days) **/** (12 days) **=** **__15,000 Hex__**
* **Hex Received Back** **=** 100,000 Hex **-** 15,000 Hex **+** 2000 Hex **=** **__87,000 Hex__**
=== Example #2 ===
* 2,300,000 Hex staked for 3600 days
* Emergency end-stake on day 80 of the stake
* Assume interest received is 120,000 Hex for this example
* **Penalty** **=** (120000 Hex) ***** (1800 days) **/** (80 days) **=** **__2,700,000 Hex__**
* **Hex Received Back** **=** 2,300,000 Hex **-** 2,700,000 Hex **+** 120,000 Hex **=** **__0 Hex__**
* In this example you would lose all your Hex. You can never go negative and "owe" Hex
=== Example #3 ===
* 1,000,000 Hex staked for 210 days
* Emergency end-stake on day 110 of the stake
* Assume interest received is 39,000 Hex for this example
* Also assume interest received at the 50% mark (105 days) was 38,000 Hex
* **Penalty** **=** **__38,000 Hex__**
* **Interest** **=** The interest accrued after the 50% mark, **__1000 Hex __**
* **Hex Received Back** **=** Principal plus the interest accrued after the 50% mark, = **__1,001,000 Hex __**
==== Late End Stake Penalty ====
There is a 14 day grace period to choose either “End Stake” or “Good Accounting” once your stake ends
After 14 days, you will suffer a 1% weekly penalty for every week you do not “End Stake” or select “Good Accounting”. Learn more about these two options at the bottom of the [[what-is-staking|staking page]].
=== Where do Hex penalties go? ===
50% of all penalties paid get returned as interest to stakers.
The other 50% is sent to the origin address
Reference the wall of shame on [[https://hex.vision]] to see past history on penalties people have paid when ending their stakes early.